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Kennel Unistars PWDs since1997

Our visit in Holland went well, and Susan and Happy are so in love, and we are so happy for that ❤

In August we went to Belgium were we meet Happy again, and for sure Susan and Happy recognized each other and were again imidiately in love ❤

We have changed Susans food, for a food with a high level of folic acid, to help her produce healthy puppies.

Also Susan have become a Dutch, German and International champion 😀 including Rostock Sieger 16

The puppy box have been painted white and is now in the house for the dogs to enjoy it and for Susan to get used to it.
The IP camera set up and ready to plug in and then it is just to download the app and you can follow the puppies all day long 😉 
We are still looking for some new wonderful families for our planned puppies.

Our Norwegian princess Mira aka Unistars Exclusively For You And Me became a Danish, Swedish, Norwegian and Nordic champion before we returned her to her loving family in Norway, we had a great time together, and we are so proud of her 😀

In Belgium our grand old lady Cirkeline aka Rödtop Sweet Heaven Celebration became a European Veteran Winner 16 and Benelux Veteran Winner 16 so so sooooo proud of her and the hard work Karen have done to get her in condition to achieve that 😀

Our Sweet Susan enjoying her grooming
Our Sweet Susan enjoying her grooming
Susan on the move
Susan on the move
Our son Andrew and his BFF Susan
Alovely child and dog couple <3
Mira our lovely norwegian girl
Enjoying her visit in Denmark.
Our Aston boy
Enjoying to do anything we ask from him

We have done a couple of shows in 2016 with great results and super happy and well behave dogs 😋

We are so happy to say that our Susan have become a Danish, Swedish, Norwegian and Nordic Champion in top of all her other titles.

But we still have some more dreams for her 😉

Susan have had her eyes tjecked and is now ready for mating, and for those who are quorious we have settled on a male for her. We will be making him a visit in June, but only visiting, mating is not until around christmas and new year 2016/2017 🙂 because we want the most fantastic spring puppies 2017     
