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Puppies 5 weeks old

29th May  The puppiea have been out exploring the big lawn, they are just so fantastic (=
27th May the "babies" had a lovely visit from Andrews friend Christian, which is adopted from Africa, and later on the day an older lady, and they took the vistings as the most naturally things in the world, they had no reaction what so ever to the new "types" of persons who visited them.
28th May they had a visit from Tove and Steven who have Nelle from Coco's litter and a standard poodle, at the same time Marie and Jens were here, they are to get one of our brown females and already have Clupea a sister to Coco. So the puppies expirienced alot of hours with a full house and 3 new dogs visited, which they havn't tried before (= Cirkeline took it amazing well and there were no trouble for the other dogs to go near her puppies for as long as they behaved calm and respectfull, if they didn't behave she was there as a protective mommy and refusesthem access to her puppies. Cirkeline is truely a super mom with a body language towards other dogs who leaves us gaping in understanding what is going on. (=
