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Kennel Unistars PWDs since 1997

Unistars Coco Chanel New Swedish Champion(=

29th April We were at the VDH Int show in Lingen with Coco and Aston.

Coco got Excellent and ended up 2nd Best Female in Breed.

Congratulation to Peter and Silke with Lykka who became a Int. Champion on the day (=

Aston did a great job, just think his owner have to learn to handle him (= He had Excellent and were 2nd Best Male in Breed.


 24th April 2012 Happy 1 Year Birthday to Kennel Unistars D-litter, Ellie, Cleo, Lotta, Goofy, Lego, Enja, Cora and Aston   

On this day we send our thoughts to their sister Dijon, who unfortunately left us when she was only 4 months old

 25th April 2012 Happy 3 Year Birthday to Kennel Unistars C-litter, Carlo, Chico, Bowie, Nelle, Caya, Canis, Clupea and Coco  

12th April Both Chico and Coco from Unistars C-litter are doing agility at high level, we are so proud that they are doing so well (=

12th April Coco is always ready for an extra lap with Andrew, and note the fabulous handling, he is just learning so fast (=

11th April We have been to Copenhagen and visited Astons brother Goofy. We can't really say it was brother love, but at neutral area they got along well

Thanks for taking so good care of our baby boy, and thanks for your hospitality (= 

8th and 9th April Kennel Unistars Wishes Happy Easter (=
