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Kennel Unistars PWD since 1997

Pictured: Cirkeline, Unik, Bouillon, Melua and Coco (=


Dogs of the year 2009(-:
The 4 Best PWD Puppies are: Unistars Canis Major, Unistars Coco Chanel, Unistars Call Off The Search and Unistars Chanel No 5. Thanks to those who made this possible(-: Second Best PWD of the year is the father of the puppies Camlin Seadancer Salute 2 Rodtop. The two Best PWD Veterans of the year are: Unistars Brave Heart and Unistars All Unik.

The 22nd of november 2009 we participated at the unofficial in Brørup. Canis were Best Puppy In Opposite Sex, and later on the day at the junior handling competition Canis and Anne-louise ended up 3rd Best Junior Handler - that is so cool - congratulation to you both(-: Caya were 2nd Best Female Puppy and Coco were Best Puppy Of Breed and later on the day she were BIS Puppy. Melua did a great job and were Best Of Breed , closely followed by Dee-Dee who made a beautiful entrie to the show ring(-: Cirkeline were Best Champion Of Breed and later on the day, with Alice at the end of the lead, she made a BIS 4 Champions. Unik were Best Veteran Of Breed and later on the day BIS 3 Veterans. What a day (-: 

 The 9th november 2009 were a very sad day. I said a final goodbuy to my dear friend Bouillon through almost 9 years. I still strugle with the sad fellings after loosing him, he was one of a kind, surely a Brave Heart, and extremely special to me. He will always have a place in my heart and mind, but now we just have to be thankfull that we still have his mommy, daughter and grandaughter with us. But the emptyness he left can never be replaced by another dog.

The 8th of november 2009 there were again an Int. DKK dogshow in Herning(-: Canis did it again - Best Puppy Of Opposite Sex. The three female puppies changed around a bit(-: Nelle once more got a Promising, Caya got a Very Promising and Coco got Best Puppy Of Breed. In the main ring later on the day Coco were placed as the 5th - 10th Best Puppy of All Breeds - wow she made her owners proud(-: Melua were 2nd best open class female, while Cirkeline were 2nd best female of breed. Unik were the best place veteran in breed(-:   

The 7th of november 2009 we participated at the DKK Internationale dogshow in Herning(-: First PWD in the ring were Unistars Canis Major "Canis" who ended up Best Puppy of Opposite Sex. Afterwords the three female puppies entered the ring, Unistars Chanel No 5 "Nelle" and Unistars Coco Chanel "Coco" both got a Promising, while Unistars Call Off The Search "Caya" got Best Puppy Of Breed and ofcourse a Very Promising(-: 
Melua were 2nd best open class female, while Cirkeline were 2nd best female of breed. Unik were Best Veteran Of Breed(-:   

The 10th of October we had a puppy meating for our C-litter - it was a joy to see such an absolutely wonderful group of PWD's in my home.

17.09.09 Bouillon slipped on the floor and were afterwords seriously limping, and off we were to the vet, who made a total x-ray of him which showed that he had tared over a part of his knee, but the x-ray also showed the reason for his injury. He has spondylosis in the 6 of his upper vertebrae. All other bones and skeletal framework incl. a new HD photo shows to be as perfect as an x-ray of a young dog would be. But it doesn't change that we have had almost 9 good years together, and it seems meaningless that his last time should be unnescessary painfull, when there is no painfree solution for the future, so I decided that we will have make a final goodbye soon...... but it is so dificult.........

The 20.09.09 Cirkeline became a Danish and Norwegian Champion.

"Nelle" Unistars Chanel No 5 were at the unofficial show in Sæby the 5th of September 09 BIS 2 Baby. There were around 200 dogs entered, within them alot of babies. Well done - Congratulation. (-:

We returned from our vecation in Holland were we also made it to the Internationale Show in Rotterdam. Our new homemade baby Unistars Coco Chanel "Coco" were Best Baby of Breed and "Cirkeline" were Best of Opposite Sex and thereby won her 3rd Dutch CAC, so now we only have to wait for her to get old enough so that we can go there to finish her Dutch Champion title.
Congrats to my friend Ilona that took BOB and BIG 5 with "Ludacris". (-:
We had a wonderful day at the show ground.

At the international show in Hillerød Cirkeline were 2nd Best female of Breed and Bouillon were Best Veteran of Breed and 2nd best Male after his son Jace from Holland who became BOS and finished his Danish Champion title, we are so proud of our ofspring(-: My friend Ilona took BOB with her female Keisha who also finished her DK CH title. Congratulation.   

The 2nd of May 09 We were at the DKK Internationale show in Ålborg, were Mac took Best Of Breed, with Certificate and CACIB, and thereby finished his Danish and Swedish Championate. Cirkeline were Best of Opposite Sex, with Certificate and CACIB, she is still too young to become a champion, but after 12 cac's she could have been a champion around 4 times now(-: Later on the day Mac did a faboulous job in the finals and ended up 3rd Best In Group 8 - He just got to be nice to compete at such a high level(-:
The 9th of May 09 We travelled to Kristiansand in Norway to give back and show Mac one final time, but what a final, Mac wre again Best Of Breed with Certficate and CACIB, and thereby he could furthermore apply the titles Norwegian and Nordic Champion to his two other Championates. Cirkeline were just as fantastic as she always is, and became Best of Opposite Sex with Certificate and CACIB, and is now able to apply the title Norwegian Champion as soon as she becomes a Danish Champion, to the huge amount of "Winner" titles she already have(-:
Mac is terribelly missed in litle home, he was some special boy with an unbelievable wonderful mind (-:

The 13th May 09 "Grandad" Bouillon is on the front page of DKK's members magasine Hunden.

The 25th of April 2009 Mac and Meluas puppies were born. There are 4 girls and 4 boys, 6 black and 2 brown (1 female 1 male) all with small beautiful white markings(-:
Melua did a fantastic job giving birth, and is being a great and caring mom, but also Andrew is already very helpfull in the whelping box(-:  

At the DKK national show with a total entry of almost 2400 dogs Mac took BOB with his 2nd CAC in DK (3rd in total) and Cirkeline took BOS with her 10th CAC in total(-:  Unik keept us company at this lovely sunshining day(-: 

We can feel and see the puppies. 

The 21st of March 09 Mac, Cirkeline and I went to the internationale show in Malmø, (Unik stayed at home keeping the coach warm), Mac became Best open Male, CAC Winner and 4th Best Male, Cirkeline became 2nd Best Female of Breed, reserve CAC and CACIB winner(-:

The 19th March 09 Meluas was scanned and we saw 5 small puppies, but the vet thinks there is a grand possibility that there are more than the 5 puppies we saw(-: 

Mac won BOB at the international show in Fredericia with CACIB and CAC, under judge Svend Løvenkjær who is wellknown as a judge who only gives a price to a dog who lives up to the standard with 110% (-: Mac must be a very nice dog(-:
Bouillon was Best Veteran of breed and Cirkeline was Best female of breed.

Melua came in heat the 14.02.09 - What a Happy Valentins day(-: Melua will be mated when the time is right in this heat(-:

Mac won BIS 4 at the DKK inofficial show in Årslev, there were rekord large entry at the show, once again he made us very proud(-: Cirkeline was BOS and Bouillon was Best Veteran of Breed(-:

Macs GM-1 resuslt came and he is GM-1 normal, this means that all puppies out of Mac and Melua will be GM-1 normal JDCM 1-1 and either Optigen A or B.

The 5th of January 2009 Tjaldurs Ari "Ari" walked around the neighbourhood for the last time. His heart, immunesystem and lever couldn't make it anymore. Rest in peace old boy. Many thanks to his owners who let my follow him through many years.   
