Proudly sponsered by VOM

Kennel Unistars - Portuguese Waterdogs since 1997


31st December Happy New Year for all Unistars dogs, their owners and friends of the house - see you all again in 2012 (=

24th December Merry Christmas

20th November 2011 We have been on vecation one week at the west coast og Denmark.

3rd November 2011 Went studying fertilitet og reproduction with dogs, which were very interresting.

30th October 2011 We had a faboulous day with 8 PWD's (Caya, Canis, Chico, Coco from Unistars C-litter, aunt Amanda, Billy Brown, Cirkeline and Aston) gathered for a walk, the dogs behaved super, the weather was lovely and the company wonderful, we had a great day and will definately repeat it again in spring (= It truely makes my heart beat seing all these PWDs together, it is an amazing sight - thank you all for making this day possible, it truely means alot to us (= and a special thanks to Søren for handeling our big baby Aston (= 

12th October 2011 We are making a PWD meeting the 30th October 2011 for everyone who have a relation to our dogs or just friends of the house (= We start at 12 with a walk with the dogs on leashes, afterword we start the grill and the dog can run and play in the garden, we end the day with coffee and cake (=

11th October 2011 We have had a visit from Goofy, who is a very sweet and playfull young guy, a big guy, who can lift his leg really high when pieing (= Unfortunately he visited us on a very caotic day, where both Cirkeline and Coco were prette post-menstrual and the atmosphere rather quivering and Unik got a hole in her skin - and yes just one of those days you just want to forget (= But thanks alot for the visit, it was really good to see him again and see how well he is doing and how good you are taking care of him - thanks (=

10th October 2011 We have been to Norway were we visited Lotta in Bergen. She has devolped in to a very beatiful young lady, who is at least as active as her brother Aston (= We combined the trip with a show in Rogaland, were Coco were 2nd Best open female, and thereby didn't get her norwegian cac )= On the way back we visited Unistars Dazzling Danit "Cleo" She is the most calm one of all the puppies we have seen until now (= Thank you for your amazing hospitality to both Lotta and Cleos families and thank you for taking so good care of our girls they really thrive in harmoni with you (=

1st October 2011 Our two puppies living in Sweden, Unistars Do Believe In Love "Lego" and Unistars Daydream Believer "Enja" have both been shown in puppie class in Norway! Lego with three times with the result BOS Puppy, 2nd Best Male Puppy and BOB Puppy and BIG Puppy - Well done Hnna and Lego - and thank you!!! Enja have been shown twice and both times acchieved Very Promising and placed as 2nd and 3rd Best Female Puppy - you are just fantastice - and thank you!!!

7th September 2011 We have been to Sweden and visited Unistars Daydream Believer "Enja" and Unistars Do Believe In Love "Lego" (= We combined the trip with three dog shows were Coco were well awarded, though she didn't get her swedish cac, so we will be back another time (=
We just arrived home from our vecation to Holland where we enjoyed lots of amusement park, socialising, exercise, relaxing, cosy family time and of course three shows (= We were at Rotterdam Int show where Aston were BOBB and made an entrece to the main ring that could melt anybodies heart (= Coco were Beste open female (= In Leuwarden at the CAC show in combination with the Euro Winner show, Aston were again BOBB and Coco were BOB and with her first dutch CAC (= At the Euro Winner show in Leuwarden Aston were once more BOBB and Coco 2nd Best open class female with Excellent!!

26th June The puppies have been out meeting a Bull Mastiff (=

25th June All puppies have been individually introduced to trafic and walking on leash (= 

19th June All puppies have found new loving families(=

18th June We have been to the DKK int show in Valby were Coco were 2nd Best Female of breed and Unik were Best Veteran of breed (=

16th June All puppies have been bath and clipped in front of the eyes (= Dijon, Blue and Aston have also been lion clipped (= 

15th June We have had a visit from Silke and Peter, the owners of Anjo, father of our puppies (= We have been to the beach again, both puppies and adult dogs (= Annemarie from Genner have been visiting us as well (=

14th June The puppies have been chipped (=

13th June Dijon and Rea have been in the kindergarden (= 

12th June We have been to the beach (=

11th June We have been out for a walk on leash, were we meet neighbors and horses (=

10 th June All the puppies were temperament testet today, and we can absolutely only be proud of our babies (=

9th June Diva and Rea compaigned us to kindergarden (=

7th June Goofy (black collar) and Tulle (orange collar) were with us to kindergarden. Dana had her rabies vaccine today.

6th June We made new position photos of the puppies (= Dana (beige collar) and Enja (brown collar) were compaigning Andrew to kindergarden today (= We have had a massive thunder and lightning today, and the puppies were just playing outside like nothing unusually was happening (=

5th June We were at the animal behaviour celebration day, Aston and all our girls were with us, and Mac (father of our C-litter) were promoting dog massage. Happy Birthday to our babies who are 6 weeks today (= Anne Marie visted us with her daughter (=

2nd June We uploaded new pictures under week 5 and we have bought 20 examples of: The Portuguese Waterdog : A Guide for the New Owner (=

1st June We have started to bring them around with us to safe places which is very possitive for them (= They just love discovering (=

29th May The puppies are having so many visiters, we're almost excausted in the good way (= We have one more time enlarged they outside playground (= We started to train leash walking with them, they are doing really fabulous (=

27th May The puppies wokes us up to go out and pie, they are really very clean puppies they don't want pie were they are sleeping!! They don't poop during the night, and they are really good at going outside to do it during the day (= GOOD PUPPIES (=

25th May Puppies are 4½ weeks and are experiencing and discovering alot, they are receiving alot of visitors, both from our friends but also from Andrews kindergarden friends (= We have made photos of the litle wonders in position and we are so pleased with our babies (= and they have such wonderful caracters (=

22nd May Puppies are 4 weeks today, and what a speed they have achieved (= Updated on their weight schedule.

15th May Puppies are 3 weeks today, all puppies have been set at the same price 1000 euros. We are playing alot with the puppies and they just love it (=

12 th May Puppies have been registered names and numbers have been put under D-Puppies and Pedigree names.

8th May The puppies started to open their eyes, they are becoming dificult to lift with one hand (= The puppies are turning 2 weeks today and they are super fast on moving already (=

7th May Coco became Danish Champion at the DKK International show in Hillerød, she acchieved the title at shortest time possible and were competing against 3 foreign multi champions! Well done Coco (= We had a visit from Caya and her family, plus a family from Brønshøj - thankyou both for your visit (= Afterwords we visited a very nice family in Gilleleje - nice to meet you (= After that we finished the day by visiting the family in Brønshøj - thank you for your hospitality and dinner (=

5th May The puppies started to toddle around in the box, and they are reacting really fast when their mommy arrives in the box (=

3rd May We clipped the puppies nails and loaded up new pictures of the small wonders (=

1st May HAPPY BIRTHDAY The puppies are 1 week today (= We have given them a individual colored collar. They are growing really fast (=

27th April The puppies are already 3 days old, how time flies.
Please remember that you can see the puppies live through msn or skype, also we have put out a small video on facebook (= All puppies are doing really well and gaining weight.

26th April We have made a name suggestion site for the puppies (= Also we have put in a weight schdule site.
All the brown puppies have been marked with large numbers on their back so that we can reconnise them.

The 25th of April 2011. Congratulations to our C-litter which had their two year birthday today. Coco ofcourse had cake and a birthday song, the new puppies had a 1-day birthday song.

The 24th of April 2011. Cirkeline became the mother of nine beautiful puppies. They arrived 4 days before expected, they are all fully developed with a strong will to live. Cirkeline gave birth to the first puppy a t 14:50, a brown male weighing 258 g and already at 15:08 she was breast feeding him without any problems. Puppy # 2 was born at 15:22 a brown female weighing 280 g. Puppy # 3 came at 16:40 a brown female with a very small white chest weighing 318 g. Puppy # 4 came at 16:52 a brown female weighing 304 g. All four puppies was breastfeeding really well. P uppy # 5 came at 18:10 a little black male with a white front weighing 250 g, he was very weak at birth but Cirkeline looked after him well and he recovered soon and began to breastfeed. Puppy # 6 came at 18:48 as a seat birth, a little black female weighing 230 g, she was even more weak than her black brother, but she also came under the good care of Cirkeline and recovered nicely. Puppy # 7 came at 19:00 and was a little black boy weighing 242 g, he also were slightly weak at birth, Cirkeline was in good control of the situation, and he was soon gaining his power. Cirkeline did now relax and everything was quiet, the 6 siblings nursed fine, but it was like puppy # 7 could not really grab and make vacuum on the breast. Puppy # 8 came at 21:05 a brown female weighing 310 g, she was fine and lively right from the start, just as she had not been slow in coming (=
At 21:45 we felt allmost sure that no more puppies would arrive, therefore we called the vet to get Cirkeline and the puppies checked. Puppy # 7 was still not able to breastfeed properly, we suspected that he perhaps suffered cleft palate. At 22:00 just when the vet arrived puppy # 9 came, a little brown female weighing 295 grams and really strong and fine. The vet checked # 7, and fortunately nothing was wrong with him. We gave him a little bottle of milk substitute and we also gave him some puppyboost to strengthen him. The vet checked Cirkeline and found no more puppies, he also gave her a uterine contraction injection.
Puppy # 7 still had a hard time breastfeeding at Cirkeline, and from 23 to 05 we were up every 20 minutes to assist him breastfeeding, hard work especially when you the last 48 hours only slept three hours. At 5:00 April the 25th he succeeded himself to find the nipple and make a good vacuum . Now they are hopefully all well on their track (= it looks as they are (= See more pictures in: Puppies 2011 D litter - Week 0

The 23rd of April 2011. We went to an exhibition in Næstved. We participated with "Nelle" Unistars Chanel No 5, she made a fantastic effort and was second best bitch in breed. We had a lovely afternoon, and sister "Caya" with family from Gilleleje did visit us at the exhibition.

The 20th of April 2011. Mac was home to have a haircut. Wonderful to see our boy again. He is such a lovely dog. What a coup to get him (= He was given a retriever clip, what he himself thought was super nice (=

The 19th of April 2011. A family from Brønshøj did visit us, and they might want to give a home to one of the puppies from Cirkeline (= We surely do hope so (= Thank you for visiting.

The 17th of April 2011. We can now feel the puppies being alive in the stomach of Cirkeline. It is an amazing feeling. Cirkeline has as recommended been given a deworming prior to the birth. Cirkeline is currently busy building "a nest" at various locations, particularly the doghouse outside is a popular place for her to hang around. However I am sure that she will not meet much understanding from her family, if she have plans to give birth to her puppies there (=
We will be at the dogshow in Næstved the 23rd of April 2011. If anyone would like to visit us at the dogshow, then we will be in the ring no. 6 and will be judged around 12-12:30.

The 13th of April 2011. Only 14 days to the puppies of Cirkeline will come, we are looking forward to meet these small life-affirming wonders.

The 12th of April 2011. Melua is unfortunately all too soon taken away from us. After ingestion of a large quantity of raw beef in September 2010 she has been lacking parts of her pancreas. She has been medically stabilized, but Monday she had a relapse and after a day with intravenous antibiotics and fluid therapy we had no choice, it went the wrong way. S he suffered, and Tuesday evening we had to take the difficult decision to say a final and very difficult goodbye. She has left a big emptyness in our hearts, and we miss her immeasurably.

The 11th of April 2011. We've got the genetic test results of Coco, she is IC: Normal and PRA: Normal. Not carrier of either eye disease nor coat faults (= Jubiii

The 11th of April 2011. The dog masseur Chris has been here - our dogs love to have massage (= Cirkeline should not be massaged because of her pregnancy but a big cuddle is ok (= and Coco is just always so happy when Chris is around, and thinks that they should spend more time kissing instead of all that stretching out, etc (= Chris is guessing that there will be 7 puppies, 2 males 5 females (= Personally I think there are 8 puppies, evenly divided by gender (=
One thing is for sure, it will not be long, before we can feel the puppies inside Cirkeline - she is doing great and just got her coat groomed, so she is ready to give birth to the puppies (=

The 7th of April 2011 Only 20 days back to the small wonders will see the light of day (=

3rd April 2011 We have been to the national DKK show in Tønder. We had good competition and company from Ilona (The Neitherlands) We competed with Coco and Nelle. Nelle was Best Intermediate female, Coco was Best Open female, later on Coco were beaten by her sister Nelle in the competition of Best Female with CAC, she ended up BOS and Ilona got BOB with her boy Enzo - Congratulation.
After the show we visited the family Granlund who is to expand their family with a second PWD from us - Thanks for a lovely lunch and hospitality.

2nd April 2011 Cirkeline is now becoming rather round in figure (= But she is happy (= She is though unbeliable hungry and now needs to be feet 3 times a day (=

24th of March 2011 there is a breed portrait of the PWD in our danish magazine "Vi med Hund".
Cirkeline and Coco have been to the beach.

22nd of March 2011 We have the HD result for "Caya'" Unistars Call Of The Search. She is HD: A - Congratulation.
Now both Coco, Nelle and Caya have been tested HD: A

17th March 2011 The puppies are now 1 cm. Cirkeline is happy and still very fit for her runs.

11th March 2011 Cirkeline has a litle trouble with morning sickness, she is driking alot more tha usually, and wants to have an litle extra padding - so that we do (=

10th March 2011 Our dogs was health checked today, with no remarks (= The reason is that we are changeing insurance company to Agria who offers insurance for hidding faults and health insurance for our puppies from their 5th week of living.

5th March 2011, Cirkeline is a litle bit more quiet than usually, it is fun to follow how she is changeing.

1st of March 2011 Just realised that Cirkeline have already passed 10% of her pregnancy - how time flyes (= Ohhh it will be so exciting to see the small wonders (=

23rd and 24th of February we were in Germany and Cirkeline and Anjo mated. Thank you Peter and Silke for your hospitality. The first day Cirkeline found Anjo a bit silly but the second day they played and were very loving to each other  So sweet 

21st February we again tested Cirkelines pregesteron and this time it showed 5,92 ng/ml so we could plan our trip to Germany 

18th February we tested Cirkelines progesteron which showed under 1 ng/ml so it will be at least a couple of days before we will be going to Germany to visit Anjo 

13th February 2011 We participated at the DKK International show in Fredericia, again with Unik and Coco, my wonderful companions made a faboulous performance, I couldn't be more satisfied and proud of them (= Unik was Best Veteran of Breed and 3rd Best Female, Coco was 2nd Best Female of Breed.

11th February 2011 Unistars Canis "Canis" visited us - thank you (=

12th February 2011 Unistars Chanel No 5 "Nelle" visited us - thank you (=

10th of February 2011 Cirkeline went in heat, we will test her progesteron the 18th February, and have already decided for a digital scan so that we can put the first signs of life on the web page.

6th February 2011 We went to a unofficial show in Årslev, Andrew my 4 year old son and Coco participated in "Child and Dog" competition and received a lovely pink and purple rosett for partcipating, though my son truely tried to convince the judge to place him 3rd, as the yellow rosett would match his "gold" world dog show number holder neatly 
Unik was BIS 3 Veterans with a big beautiful yellow rosett for Andrew 
Coco our youngest was BIG 4 

5th February 2011 Have created a page for our coming D-litter, with information about the parrents, the thoughts about the litter and the pedigree of the puppies.

3rd February 2011 Anjo also were eyechecked, ready for mating and with absolutely no remarks - perfect as he should be(-:

26th January 2011 We had Cirkelines eyes checked, ready for mating, but with the remark 'a few distichiasis', but nothing she is aware of her self(-:

23rd January 2011 After a long research we decided on a suitable male for Cirkeline, his called Anjo and lives at kennel Go And Win in Germany(-: You can can more information about him under  D Puppies 2011 

20.01.11 In our attempt to try and do the things better all the time, we have extended the list mentioning some of the things you get with a Unistars puppy. Also we have worked out at questionnary for our coming puppy buyers, which we hope they will see as a help concerning, what is relevance for us to know about them(-:
 See under Planned Puppies 

10.01.2011 We have the final genetest result on Cirkeline: She is JDCM Normal - this is faboulous as this gives us the possibility to choose the male that is in our eyes perfect for Cirkeline and our future breeding.
