Proudly sponsered by VOM

Kennel Unistars PWD's since 1997

Unistars Coco Chanel BOS and new Swedish Champion at the SKK International show in Malmö!!!

18th March 2012 Were we at the SKK Internationale dogshow in Malmö.

With us we had Unistars DB9 Aston Martin "Aston" in junior class and Unistars Coco Chanel "Coco" in champion class.

Aston was the first of our dogs in the ring, and he did a good job, though a litle silly, but only what you can expect from a 10 month old boy (=
He got Eccellent and were 2nd Best Junior Male (=
Afterwords lots of people have admired our youngster to the skies (= Thanks (=

Coco went all the way with style - wauw (=
She were Best Champion Female and afterwords Best Female with Certificate, CACIB and BOS and thereby a NEW SWEDISH CHAMPION (= Yes (=

Thanks to judge Horst Kliebenstein, DE.

Aston 10 months old doing his first show in Germany - and what a debute (= Junior CAC, Landesjugendsieger Bayern 2012, BOB and selected in the group 8!!!

3rd March We competed at the VDH Internationale dog show in Munich.
Our young "Aston" Unistars DB9 Aston Martin were BOB with Junior CAC and the title Landesjugendsieger Bayern 2012 and even made the cut in the group 8  
"Coco" Unistars Coco Chanel were BOS with CACIB, CAC and the title Landessieger Bayern 2012 😀 
We just couldn't ask for more, thank you to breed judge Barbara Müller CH and group judge Dr Milivoje Urosevic RS.
At the show we had great competetion and company from Silke with Dani, not to mention the help with the pictures and to maneuver around in the german show system 😉 Thanks
We stayed with Ebb and Jochen and their PWD Jam, and how can we ever thank you enough for the absolute wonderful hospitality, you are always welcome with us in DK, and thanks for the great walks and running with the dogs 🙂 Thank you so much
