Proudly sponsered by VOM

Kennel Unistars PWDs since 1997

Aston BOB in Stepping and Coco BOB in Neumunster

30th June We decided on a date for our next PWD meeting (= it will be the 25th August (=

28th June Cirkeline went home with Karen to keep her company, Karen lives not far from us and is an experienced PWD owner after having two boys out of my mothers Tjaldur A-litter, both boys became 14 years old.

Karen and Cirkeline really seems to fit each other (= 

27th June Happy Birthday to Cirkeline, she is already 5 years now (=

26th June Christian made a photosection of our showtraining team to the DKK magasine "Hunden" Above some pictures from the day (=

The 17th June we were in Ballerup partipating at the DKK International Copenhagen Winner show.

We went with Unistars DB9 Aston Martin "Aston" and Unistars Coco Chanel "Coco".

Aston were Best Junior Male with Excellent and CK and were placed as 4th Best Male.

Coco were 2nd Best Champion Female with Excellent and CK and were placed as 3rd Best Female.

The 3rd June We participated at the VDH International show in Neumunster. With us we had Unistars Coco Chanel "Coco" and Unistars DB9 Aston Martin "Aston".

Both dogs did a wonderful job in the ring (=

Aston ended up Best Junior Male and BOS Junior, with Excellent and his second VDH Junior CAC, so now he only needs one more to acchieve our goal to hopefully make Aston the first danish PWD to become a german junior champion (=

Coco were Best Female and BOB, with Excellent and her second VDH CAC and CACIB.

The 2nd June We participated at our annual club show with Unistars Chanel No 5 "Nelle" and Unistars DB9 Aston Martin "Aston". Aston ended up Best Male with his second CAC, now he just have to wait till he turns 2 years with with getting his last champion point (= and BOB (=

Nelle were 2nd Best Female with Excellent and CK (= 

Aston and Nelle definately had a fun day (=

Andrew were with us at the show and he participateted in "Child and Dog" competition and were placed as 2nd Best Child and Dog (= They are just the wonderful together (= 
