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Kennel Unistars 2012

Unistars Coco Chanel "Coco" Amsterdam Winner 2012!!! Pictured with "JT" Cosmos Got Me Lovestoned!!! We had a lovely day with a small party by the ringside, and meet lots of new people, thanks to everyone for making this day so nice. "Aston" Unistars DB 9 Aston Martin were ofcourse with us, he did a super job, and I am so pleased with my boy. He became 2nd best open class male. Later on the day we participated in a very large couples class, my dogs were fabulous and I am so proud of them, though we did not get placed :-)

New show leashes from :// So Aston and Coco are ready again to go into the showring :-) We hope Christian can have time to make some really beautiful pics of the dogs with theyre new leads when he gets back home for christmas.

Coco og Aston poses for Lyckas Hund Pole Decorations Sweden
