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Kennel Unistars PWDs since 1997


We participated in DKK's International show on the 16th of June in Vejen. This time we only brought Aston, but we had competition from a Finish owned female.
The judge Dan Ericsson (from Sweden) was extremely impressed with Aston and I have hardly ever seen such an impressive critic and received so many positive words. I must admit that I became almost shy and that says something after all these years.
Aston became BOB and made a nice entrance into the show ring later on but was not selected for the last selection, though I thought he should have been selected.

Unistars Coco Chanel - Multi Group Winner

The 1st of June we were in Neumunster, Germany, on their annually International exhibition.
We arrived not until 11 o'clock but it went well. Very well in fact.
Aston became BOS and Coco BOB. They both received an excellent and a lot of prices.
In the group finals the judge was Cristian Stefanescu (president of the Romanian Kennel Club) and I don't think he would be the kind of judge attracted to the Portuguese water dog and when I received number 13 and the Lagotto became BIG 2 I thought that that was the end of waterdogs on the podium. Coco had done her best, she got her praise and I was super satisfied with her.
Then it hit us with full power BIG - winner of group 8, was the Portuguese water dog. Multi Champion and Multi Winner Unistars Coco Chanel!!
She can now be called Multi BIG winner. What a show and we had considered not to participate at all.

May 2013

Finally the big day arrived where Aston not only was Multi winner but also can be called Multi Champion. The 20th May we took Aston to DKK's National show in Svendborg. We had chosen not to show him in earlier Denmark after he turned 2 years of age since it was my dream to try to make him Danish Champion in the town he was born and where he lives. At the same time this was the first time that Svendborg hosted a national show.
Aston was ready and switched on, and despite the competition from a Norwegian owned female he became BOB with an excellent. This made him Danish champion. This again released the titles Norwegian Swedish and Nordic Champion. Titles that only have been waiting on Aston becoming a Danish Champion. A very nice day where every owner is even more proud of his dog.
Later that day Aston had not finished showing off. He just amazed me in the group selection and became BIG 2. This was just fantastic, don't forget he is still only 24 months old!

I am so proud of my new Multi Winner and Multi Champion Unistars DB 9 Aston Martin.

Multi Winner Unistars DB 9 Aston Martin in the BIS line up at the Europa Sieger Show 12th May 2013 - Out of more than 5000 dogs he is among the Top Ten and all this just 24 months old!!!

The 12th May We participated at Dortmund Int DE (paralelle show).

Coco were Best Champion Female and Best Opposite Sex and Aston were again all the way from Open Class - Best Of Breed!!!!

In the Group competitions later that day Aston were placed Best In Group 3, still this is amazing, I am all estonished, Group placement two days in a roll and this at one of Germanys biggest and most prestigious show.       

The 11th May We were at the Europa Sieger Show Dortmund Int DE.

Coco were 2nd Best Champion Female and later 2nd Best Female in Breed.

Aston came from Open Class all the way up to being Best Of Breed and Europa Sieger 2013!!!

With this result I was already flying - wauw - my young boy!!!

Well in the group, he just amazed everyone and showed like if no one else excited, everybody cheared on him, and OMG he won Best In Group!!! Jesus I almost couldn't find my way back to the hotel!!! He is still just a baby, not even a champion yet!!!

This show have a +5000 dogs entered!!!

6th May We are now waiting for Astons gene test on PRA and IC.

5th May I did run my first Marathon in Hannover.

3rd May we said a final goodbye to our prescious "Unik" Unistars All Unik 15 years and 7 months old, and friend through half my life have past away!!! Forever and always in my heart!!!

April 2013

We are getting quite some interests in our upcoming litter between Aston and Coco spring 2014!!!

Unistars Coco Chanel New Dutch CH

In the easter flower field in Holland

Unistars DB 9 Aston Martin pointing towards his Dutch CH title :-)

In the hyacint flower field in Holland

Multi Ch Unistars Coco Chanel BIG 6

Goes Int NL the 20th April
This show made Coco a New NL CH so great to achieve that!!!

Multi Winner Unistars DB 9 Aston Martin BOS

Goes Int NL the 20th April
Well done my boy!!!
Pictured just after he had been in the ring!!!

Unistars DB 9 Aston Martin and Unistars Coco Chanel doing BIS 3 Couples Class in Goes Int NL 20th April 

Andrew and Coco
Just a special moment I believe only children and dogs can have this connection....
Aston, Andrew and Coco
Aston, Andrew and Coco
Aston, Andrew, Sian and Coco
Aston, Andrew, Sian and Coco
Christian and Andrew
My boys, my beloved husband Chrisitan and my gorgeous son Andrew

Some pictures from our fantastic vecation in Holland 19th-26th April

21th April We did a beach walk with Ilona (Casa Hoya's) NL lots of PWDs gathered, some Lagottos and just all the other people who were beach walking that lovely sunday morning.

Kennel Unistars wishes everyone a Happy Easter

The 2nd April 2013 Multi Ch and Multi Winner - Unistars All Unik "Unik"  turned 15½ years old - and were ofcourse celebrated and huged a litle extra that day. So many memories such a day bring 🤪

4th April - Aston started his agility training again, and I don't know who he has been training with during the winter, but it went surprisingly well. His beginner class were cancelled due to too many apologies, so went with the experienced class, but well our teacher thinks he could just stay with the experienced class. Yes, well this does make a owner very proud 😋 We hope to make some photos of him running in 14 days time 🙃

March 2013

29th March - We went running just for our minimum run on 5 k, passing the local dog area, which in this period, is full of all kind of dogs running free, because of the Easter Holliday. Both Aston and Coco were really rudely attacked, and were Coco is answering back in her bitchi tone, Aston is a much more considered guy which manages to reject the rude behaviour with his body language, so proud og my young guy.

Also we experience Aston as an alot more calm dog in this period, he is truely becoming a pleasure to live with, we still have things to work on, but it is much more easy now🙃  

Multi Ch Unistars Coco Chanel

Unistars DB9 Aston Martin - CAC Winner in Malmö Sweden & hereby ready to receive the four titles: DK, NO, SE & NORD CH -  We are so proud of our homemade fireball!!! 

At the SKKs Internationale show in Malmö, Unistars DB9 Aston Martin were placed 2nd Best Male in breed with the Certificate, which now have made him ready to acchieve the titles Danish, Norwegian, Swedish and Nordich Champion whenever he has turned 2 years old and gets his last certificate, so we do believe he will step into the adults line with style!!! Unistars Coco Chanel were placed 3rd Best champion female and thereby did not get the CACIB home with her, so we just have to try again.

February 2013

Unistars DB 9 Aston Martin BIG 4 in Fredericia DKK INT.

Unistars DB 9 Aston Martin at this years first DKK Int show sunday the 10th February 2013. This show have +3000 entries and I am so proud to say that my young boy were placed as Best Of Group 4 - Just Happy Happy Happy - Thank you Karen for helping us out and keeping us company.

Unistars DB 9 Aston Martin at the DKK unifficial show sunday the 3rd February 2013. This show have +200 entries and I am so proud to say that my young boy were placed as Best Of Group 1 - Just Happy Happy Happy - Thank you Karen for helping us out and keeping us company.

"Cirkeline" Rodtop Sweet Heaven Celebration - Best Champion of Breed.

My son Andrew and his favorite dog Cirkeline, doing a great job in "Child and Dog" competition. 

"Aston" and "Cirkeline" in Couple Class, they were not trained for this, but did a nice job anyway I think 😉

January 2013

Just a sweet memory from warm summer day 2011 - Andrew and Aston
