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Kennel Unistars PWDs since 1997

PWD meeting the 25th August 2012

The 3rd July Billy Brown (Casa Hoya's Spirited Edition) made us a visit. His "mom" is helping us alot with weight loss and energy for running (= Non of our girls thought Billy Brown was anything special and neither Aston thought anything positive about having a stranger male on his propertie, and quickly showed him who was in charge on his adress.

The 7th July Clupea made us a visit (Unistars Clupea Harengus) which was a very cosy visit, as you can see on the pics (=

The 8th July Chico (Unistars Crawling Up A Hill) and Amanda (Albufeira Zmrzlina Mokry Bandita) made us a visit. We ended the day with a lovely swim for the dogs at Chico and Amandas place, and Aston showed off his impressive diving abilities (=

The 16th July Aston went to the vet to have his x-ray done for HD, AD and OCD. 

The 20th July We are testing a herbal "Calm Down" treatment for Aston, to see if we can get him to accelerate a litle shower (= He is just one very big happy baby, with a huge place in our hearts (= 

The 25th July Astons x-ray pics were rejected as they were sendt in the wrong format.

The 28th July We have a new garden gate (= and Aston likes to pose in front of it (=

The 31st July Astons x-ray pics have today been sendt of again in the right format.
