Kennel Unistars PWDs since 1997
Planned Puppies spring 2014
Fantastic puppies expected in spring 2014 after: Multi Champion & Multi Winner Unistars DB 9 Aston Martin & Multi Champion & Multi Winner Unistars Coco Chanel
We plan puppies in spring 2014 after Coco and Aston. Both parents are tested for HD, AD, OCD, PRA, JDCM, GM-1, IC and eyechecked. We are at anytime more than happy to answer questions and give you further information about our
dogs - jusk ask (-: If you are interested in a puppy from us please copy our questionnairy, fill in the answers and send it to us.
The Female
Unistars Coco Chanel "Coco"
HD: A, AD: 0, OCD: Unaffected, PRA: A Normal, JDCM: 1-1 Normal, GM-1: Normal, IC: Normal.
Born: 25.04.2009
Bayern State Winner 2012, Leipzig Winner 2012, Amsterdam Winner
2012, German Spring Winner 2013, Bundes Sieger Winner 2013, Copenhagen Winner 2013 and Danish Winner 2013
Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Nordic, German VDH, Dutch, Luxembourg and International Champion Examinated
as Good Citizen Dog at Bronze and Silver level.
Coco is our homemade princess(-: She is the only danish PWD that has been mental described - OK, and that at the age of only 1 year and 3 weeks :-)
She is a lovely
chocolate brown female, who is always happy and giving away kisses. She is a very powerfull female, who in her adult life isn't much depended on socializing with other dogs, but do enjoy her family and is very easy going as a family member(-: She is very
intelligent and has a soft mind. During the week Coco does agility on high level and good citizen dog lessons.
The Male
Unistars DB 9 Aston Martin "Aston"
HD: B (B/A), AD: 0, OCD: Unaffected, PRA: B Carrier, JDCM: 1-1 Normal (b.p.), GM-1: Normal (b.p.), IC: Normal 24.04.2011 Bayern State Junior Winner 2012,
Leipzig Junior Winner 2012, Bundes Junior Sieger 2012, Europa Sieger 2013, German Spring Winner 2013, Bundes Sieger 2013, Copenhagen Winner 2013, DKK Winner 2013 - Portuguese Waterdog Of The Year In Denmark German
(VDH) Junior Champion Danish, Norwegian, Swedish, Nordich Luxembourg, German VDH, and International Champion Aston is a lovely and very beautiful young boy, who have taken us all by storm. He is very happy
and and surely the working type of a PWD. He adores waterwork and have a high endurance. He is not nervous in any ways, and a faboulous dog for children. He loves food and will do anything for a treat. Towards other males he can be dominant. During the week he does waterwork, agility and have lessons for showtraining.
Why I want to mate Coco and Aston.....
They're caracter is quite different, but in many ways I do think they supply each other really well in our everyday life, and so I hope the puppies can take a litle from both parrents, and thereby have a litle less energy from their father and a litle
less sillyness from their mother :-)
The combination is an absolute outcross, 0% inbreeding. Coco carries alot of outcross combinations in her pedigree, where Aston comes from two strongly line breed parrents. But holding up, how they function
in their everyday life and their pedigrees, I do think this combination gives good sence to do. Physical these two dogs aren't that fair from each other, they are both the heavy type, and very correct in confirmation.
But were Coco is a litle more the original type, Aston is more the modern type, when looking at confirmation. Coco is a super agile and very powerfull mover, and her hind movement is really out standing. Aston as a mover is very balance with a fantastic equilibrium
between front and rear, again I do think this combinatin can give something really great things to each other.
Health wise the two dogs equals each other perfectly, and no puppies will be able to develope blindnes. All puppies are free of
improper coat, heart and nerve disease. The puppies are out of two HD, AD and OCD free parrents, just cant aske for a much better health background :-)
These two dogs have both achieved really remarkable results in the show ring, a good mind
and a healthy and sound body is necessary to achieve what these two dogs have already achieved. They are both strong and muscular dogs that maintains the standard with excellence.