Proudly sponsered by VOM

In memory of our loved ones


Rödtop Sweet Heaven Celebration
HD: A Optigen: B, JDCM: 1-1 Normal, GM-1: Normal, IC: Normal.

Born: 27.06.2007 - 19.02.2019

Copenhagen Winner 08, World Wide PWD Junior Winner 08, World Wide PWD Winner 08, Nordic Junior Winner 08, DKK Winner 08, PWD of the year in Denmark 08, Amsterdam Junior Winner 08, Amsterdam Winner 08, Copenhagen Winner 10, Danish Winner 10, DKK Winner 10 and PWD of the year in Denmark 10.

European Veteran Winner 16 & Benelux Veteran Winner 16.

Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Nordich, Ducth and Internationale Champion.

Cirkeline lived most of her life with Karen in Odense but was owned by us.

Cirkeline was an extremly sweet girl, completly convinst that the world was made for her, and not opposite (-: She was very loving, and if she saw the option, she would award anyone with lots of kisses. She was curious and not nervous in any way, which made her an absolutely faboulous dog for children(-: Cirkeline loved food, and would do almost anything for a treat.

Her kidneys gave up at the age of 12 years and 7 months and it was the only right thing to do.


Unistars Coco Chanel
HD: A, AD: 0, OCD: Unaffected, PRA: A Normal, JDCM: 1-1 Normal, GM-1: Normal, IC: Normal.

Born: 25.04.2009 - 25.05.2018

Bayern State Winner 2012, Leipzig Winner 2012, Amsterdam Winner 2012, German Spring Winner 2013, Bundes Sieger Winner 2013, Copenhagen Winner 2013 and Danish Winner 2013

Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Nordic, German VDH, Dutch, Luxembourg and International Champion

Examinated as Good Citizen Dog at Bronze and Silver level.

Coco was our new homemade princess(-:
She is the only danish PWD that has been mental described - OK, and that at the age of only 1 year and 3 weeks.

She was a lovely chocolate brown female, who is always happy and giving away kisses. She was a very powerfull female, who in her adult life wasn't much depended on socializing with other dogs, but did enjoy her family and was very easy going as a family member(-: 

Coco was affected by cancer when we decided to let her go....


Unistars All Unik

HD: not testet, AD: not tested, OCD: not tested, Optigen: not testet, JDCM: not testet, GM-1: not testet, IC: not tested.

02.10.1997 - 03.05.2013

Portuguese, Spanish, Danish and Internationale Champion

Amsterdam Junior Winner 98, Copenhagen Winner 01, Copenhagen Winner 02, PWD of the Year 02, DKK Winner 02, PWD of the year 07, DKK Winner 07.

Unik was my old girl, turned 15 years and 7 month when the time was up, and I had to say a final good buy to my friend through half my life.We have had enormes amount of fantastic experiences together, but her coat have also carried many tears when life wasn't easy. She was very special to me, and out of my first litter....

Forever in my heart and thoughts.....


A Million Dollar Baby Mokry Bandita
HD: B, (A/B), AD: not testet, OCD: not testet, PRA: B Carrier, JDCM: 1-1 Normal, GM-1: Normal IC: not testet

 15.06.2006 - 12.04.2011

Melua was the sweetest and most easy female I have ever had, she was a daughter of my male Bouillon and the mother of kennel Unistars C-litter (-: Melua wasn't always confident with children that she didn't knew, and dog shows was definately not her favorit thing to do (= in opposite to agility which she really loved and were really good at doing.

In September 2010 Melua eate a big portion of raw cow meat and after that suffered of exocrine pancreas insufience, we managed to stabilize her with medication for around 6 months, but unfortunately after that she had an relapse and after 24 hours with intravenous antibiotic treatment and fluid therapy, we had no other choice, than to say a final and very sad godbye.

She has left us with alot of emptyness, and we do miss her unbelieveablely much.


Unistars Brave Heart

HD: C, AD: not tested, OCD: not tested, Optigen: A, JDCM: 1-1, GM-1: Normal, IC: not tested.

03.12.2000 - 09.11.2009

Danish, Swedish, Finish, Norwegian, Nordic and International Champion.

Bouillon was my old boy, we had a great time together in veteran class, but the time became to short, Bouillon tared over his knees because of his nerves reaction time were slowed down by spondylosis in his bag, we could have fixed the knee but never the spodylosis and the pain.
He was a male with a big M and he was always watching out for his girls and family, though he was not sharp in temper.

We will always remember our true Brave Heart.


Rodtop Glori Uni Star

HD: A, AD: not tested, OCD: not tested, Optigen: A, JDCM: not tested, GM-1: not tested, IC: not tested.

19.12.2003 - 10.02.2006

European Junior Winner 2005.

Gloria was an engel, in the very best mening of the word, I have never had a dog like her before, and my sorrow when loosing her was never ending, even today I blame my self that I couldn't take better care of her, and the pictures and sound of her when she was hit by the car keeps passing in my head, she died shortly after by inner bleedings.
I will always miss her.


Diogo Cao Do Monte Gordo

HD: not testet, AD: not testet, OCD: not testet, Optigen: not testet, JDCM: not testet, GM-1: not testet, IC: not testet

08.11.1996 - 13.07.2001

Portuguese, Danish, Spanish and International Champion

It was with Diogo I started in the breed, he was unbeliveablely beautiful, big and strong, and he really made his entrence where ever he came.
But one evening on his night walk he ate rat poisen, and unfortunately the next morning there wasn't much we could do to save Diogo.
I will always remember him.
